Administrator's Page

This section contains articles and resources for STEM MI Champion Team Administrators.





Schools Struggle to Balance Digital Innovation, Academic Accountability

Educators struggle through trial and error to forge new approaches that work

By Michelle R. Davis


Article Tools


When North Carolina's Mooresville Graded School District launched a 1-to-1 laptop initiative three years ago, Superintendent Mark Edwards prepared himself for an"innovation dip," a small drop in student performance as educators and students adjusted to the new approach.

He says he anticipated it would take time for students and teachers to master the use of laptop computers, digital curricula, and more personalized ways of teaching and learning. Though he believed that in the long run the approach would benefit students and be borne out in test scores, Edwards says he and the school board were mentally and philosophically prepared for a drop in scores over the first couple of years as the 5,600-student district worked out the kinks.

But just the opposite happened. more...



The Top 10 Great Things Technology Leaders Do

By Frank Rudnesky, Ed. D., July 1, 2008



from Educators' eZine

In public schools, we are continually asked to do more with less. Without complete information of the educational process, most taxpayers want positive results without increased taxes. That is why, at our school, we feel it is essential to create a leadership community.

Your leadership success increases exponentially by the number of leaders you create within your organization. Teachers, as well as administrators, must accept their roles as leaders to properly integrate technology. Then and only then can long-term success be realized. In times of education bashing and dwindling resources, we must acknowledge that our most valuable assets are our human resources and allow our students to build our future in a positive direction in a technological, global society.

1. Raise the Bar
"Expect a lot from yourself or no one else will."

If you don't, who will? You must expect nothing less than your best work. If you are satisfied with run of the mill technology integration, you will get it every time. Aim for excellence, and you will be surprised what you can accomplish through proper planning, experience, and your own professional development.





PBL and Administrator's Role:


Project-Based Learning: What Administrators Can Do

What administrators can do to support project-based learning.

by Edutopia Staff


Get the basics

Check out The Project Approach created by University of Alberta Professor Sylvia Chard, an expert on learning through projects. The Buck Institute for Education offers an extensive introduction to project-based learning, including research and training manuals for middle and high school teachers.

Encourage implementation of multiple projects

In its Challenge 2000 Year 4 report SRI researchers said     more.....



Understanding UDL: What does it look like in a classroom

Click here to see a rubric for creating UDL lessons. UDL Lesson Rubric.doc

Click here for a rubric explaining quality UDL instruction. Rubric for Implementation of UDL.doc



What it takes to support a PBL/UDL/STEM initiative



Needs to Know





How do we overcome the physical space issues

Need more information in 21st century learning and technology

More information about how 21st century skills improve test scores

how to use the technology we have

how do we spread it to all classrooms

How do we monitor/engage learners as they use technology to ensure learning is safe

How do we take advantage of the tools in the students pockets

How can we support these efforts in our budget

How do we make sure benchmarks GLCE - Common Core are included

How can we manage cross grade content

On a day-to-day basis - how can we easily and efficiently support teachers

Find a way that teachers are owning the projects -

How can we keep our teachers connected

How can we stay connected as a leadership team.

The best process for sharing information with the rest of the staff.