This experience is intended for moderated and unmoderated usage. Only moderated usage has editing access to this wiki, otherwise you can make use of the features here, and it's recommended that you create a wiki to build your project. If unmoderated, we'd love to hear from you about your progress, and in addition to the many tools provided here, we will offer assistance as our time allows.
Moderated participants will develop their projects in section (folder) made especially for the cohort. For example, ws MIC09 is work space for the 2009 MI Champions cohort. Projects and related files will be saved in the designated folder. Here's an overview of components:
- PBL Gallery: View work by previous participants. Find helpful examples and ideas. Download and use the projects in your classrooms. Projects are continually being added as implementation is completed.
- Modules: Lessons that guide participants step-by-step on developing a standards-focused project-based learning experience (unit/mini-unit). Prior to starting, check through Nuts and Bolts: Needs for Maximizing Your Learning Experience to ensure you have everything you need to make the most of this experience.
- Reflections: As you complete each module and PBL component, you will post your thoughts on that stage. This provides for deeper understanding of the PBL and Leadership concepts, plus participants will journal about their understandings and questions around each module lesson.
- PBL Resources: All information accumulated on PBL will be posted here. Participants can include resources as well.
- Wiki References: Information and links to support for wiki building and usage.
- Workspace: Links to access Cohort workspaces. You can also go to the Navigator and directly jump to your respective pages. Click here to download the PBL Template in Word format.
- Set up a Skype account and invite John through
- Set up a Google Docs Account: Some people prefer to use this collaboration tool to complete their PBL. This tool is optional, and need not be used if you will be working on the wiki.
- Sign up with STEM-MI Champions Ning. This is a Social Network Collaboration site where we will send updates and for you to share and network for projects and support for people resources.
Begin this experience by following these steps:
Moderated Cohorts
- Register for one of the provided classes. Contact facilitators about upcoming sessions.
- Once invited to the Leading PBL wiki, create a page in your cohort folder. Name the page as your name (e.g. JMcCarthy).
- Go to the first Module activity (Module 0), and begin this interactive and engaging experience.
Unmoderated Usage
- Register with us.
Request access to this site. In the provided comments box, tells us a little of what your needs are. If you need support from us to get started, leave a contact by which we can reach you. Otherwise, once you make the request, access will be set up for your usage.
- Use the ws Guest Reflection logs.
- Create a wiki, Ning or online document (e.g. Google Docs).
- Use this space to develop your PBL as you complete the modules.
- Also use this space to post module reflections if you would prefer not to use our Guest Reflection log. This option is beneficial if you are part of a group, and want to keep your results in one place. Solution: Use a group Wiki, Ning, or Google Docs.
- Go to the first Module activity (Module 1), and begin this interactive and engaging experience.
Check out this playlist to learn more about PBL
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